tiistai 21. tammikuuta 2014


Uus vuas oli ja meni, olin parin kaverin kaa Rodeossa ja Puumassa. Alunperin piti mennä Tivoliin, mutta sinne oli liia pitkä jono, nii ei jaksettu venata :D Päätettii sittenki mennä Rodeoon, mutta yhes vaihees iltaa mentii Puumaan. Puumas oli kyl kovempi meno, itte tykkäsin :D
New year was couple weeks ago, I was with two friends of mine in Rodeo (there is old music, like 1990´s and 2000´s, I LIKE) and Puuma (there is lot of teens) (both of them are night clups). At first, our had to go to Tivoli (night club too, there is some of wall painted clowns, which looks scary), but there was too long defile, so we decided to go to Rodeo. We were there the beginning of the night, but some point we went to Puuma. In Puuma was a little bit more party-going feeling than Rodeo, I liked :D

Koulu alko pari viikkoo sitte, on ollu periaattees kaks kertaa viikos kouluu... :D En oo kauheesti tykänny, ku unirymi mene sekasi... Ens viikolla on onneks sellane "kunnon" viikko, et on onneks koko viikko kouluuu paitsi maanantai... Muutama viikko, nii työssäoppiminen alkaa, on iha koko kevään, venaan iha innolla!
School started couple weeks ago, it has been like two days at week.... :D I haven't liked that much because my sleep pattern is mixed. Next week will be "good" week, that the hole week is at school exept monday, you know.... Few weeks, then my on-the-job learning starts, I'm waiting it a lot!

Tammikuu vaan on menny koulus, ja kavereiden kaa oon ollu jonki verra. Ei mitää ihmeitä oo tapahtunu vielä, mut saas nähä.
In january I have been at school, and I have been with my friends too when I have time. Nothing much has happened yet but it will see.

I’ll be the best thing you ever had
You know I’m good but I’ve gone bad
You know I shoulda but I know I can
Under the moon, grab my hand, hand

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