En oo kyl ehtiny tänne kirjottaan hetkeen, ku oon ollu koko aja jossain menossa jossain.. Oon tavannu kavereita kaupungis tai ollu veljen kaa kotona ja tehty jotai kahestaa.
I haven't written here for a while because I've been all the time somewher. In city meeting my friends or just in home doing something with my brother.
Oon tututstunu kevään aikana uusiin tyyppeihin yksiin uusiin kavereihin yhen kaverin kautta, joka oli mulle aluksi tuttu. Oon ollu niitten kaa aika paljo yhteydes tän kuun aikana ja oltu aikalailla paljo hengattu yhessä. Vaikka me ollaan aina jonkun kotona pelaamas korttii tai vaan syömässä (eli tehdään aikalailla samoja asioita), mulla on ollu iha kivaa! :)
On this spring I've met new peoples with a common friend who was first "what's up" - friend to me. I've been with them pretty much on this mouth and we've been just hanging out with them. We are always on someones house cooking or playing card (so the same things pretty much always), I had pretty much good time!
Juhannuksen olin ihan kotona, ku ei ollu mökki-fiilistä. Oli muutenki kylmää, nii ei huvittanu olla kauheesti ulkona. Olin kumminki ekan Juhannuspäivistä ihan kotona, seuraavana päivänä tapasin pari kaverii. Kaupunki oli ihan tyhjä, eikä siä ollu mitää tekemistä, mutta silti oltiin siä ja istuttii keskustassa.
Midsummer Days I was at home because I didn't have feeling to go cottage. Weather was pretty cold so for that I didn't want to go out. The first day of Midsummer Day I was at home just chilling and the second day I was with my two friends. City was empty and everything were closed, so we just sat at center.
Katoin Euroviisut viikko sitten, ku se tuli viime lauantaina. Ehdin just tuleen kotiin tuntii aikasemmi, enne ku se alko, ku olin mun kaverin synttäreillä :) Vanhemmat ja veli katto suurinpiirtei Suomen kappaleen kohtaan, mut sen jälkee ne lähti nukkuu. Jäin si kattoon ne loppuun yksi. En kyl alusta asti kauheen tarkkaan kattonu sitä, ku sain melkei koko aja WhatsApp viestei mun kavereilta :D
-- I watched Eurovision a week ago, when that came last Saturday. I just came to home one hour before when that started. I was at my friend birthday party :) My parents and brother watched it approximately Finland's song, after that they went sleep. I stayed watch that in the end alone. To the beginning to the end I didn't watch so closely, because my friends send me a lots of WhatsApp messages :D
Finland's song : Softenine - Something Better #11
These next songs are my favorite on this year Eurovision :)
Armenia : Aram MP3 - Not Alone
It's pretty peaceful but I like violin in the end :)
Switzerland : Sebalter - Hunter of Stars
#16 Belarius : TEO - Cheesecake
Refrain stays pretty easily in my head... :o
Germany : Elaiza - Is it right?
Greece : Freaky Fortune feat. Riskykidd - Rise Up
I LOVE this song! It's so amazing...!!
Slovenia : Tinkara Kovač - Round And Round
I love this song too! It's too bad that this song was in the end...
France : Twin Twin - Moustache
I supprised that this song lost.. It was so funny song :D
Ainoo erikoine oli Puolan kappale... Se oli jotenki outo :o
Norjan, Azerbaidzanin ja Islannin kappaleet oli jotenki tylsii... Islannin kappaleesta tuli mielee joku lasten laulu :D
Only one weird was Poland's song... It was soo weird :o
Norway's, Azerbaidzan's and Iceland's songs were somehow pretty boring.. I thought that Iceland's song was like kid's song, when I heard it for the first time :D